
Friday, July 2, 2010

OWH Independence Day Blog Tour 2010

Welcome... For those who are new to the OWH blog hops/tours or who may have stumbled onto this fantastic blog tour I encourage you to 
join in the fun over at
In addition to celebrating the birth of our great nation this weekend, I am excited to say that I am celebrating a personal milestone by surpassing the 5000th card I've made for OWH. It has been rewarding beyond words to be able to do something I love, however small a gesture, to show my gratitude to all who serve in our Armed Forces.

Here are two birthday cards that I'd like to share with you...

Since starting this blog back in April of 2008, to chronicle my participation in OWH, I have had many comments on the quote in my header and today I'd  like to share the entire quote with you.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." ~ Ronald Reagan

Wishing you all a happy and safe Independence Day.
God Bless America!



  1. A great quote from a great President! Happy 4th of July!!

  2. Paula I have that sailboat stamp, and oldy but goody. Like how you used it.

  3. Love the paisley design on your 1st card

  4. Wow Paula, 5000 cards for OWH, that's incredible, you have my respect and admiration! Your cards are wonderful I love stopping by your blog for a regular peek!

  5. Hi Paula, I love the textures of your first card and the lively impression of fireworks I get from the second card. Beautiful. Congrats on your 500th card for OWH and Happy 4th!

  6. Both of your new cards look great. Congratulations on your 500 card milestone!

  7. Love your cards and the heroes will love them. TFS

  8. wonderful cards and a great quote... have a good 4th

  9. Wow Paula, thanks for sharing everything here - congrats with the cards - wow you have really been cranking them out!! Congrats!

  10. Paula, you are an angel. Wow 5000 cards that is incredible. Your cards are awesome, and I love the quote. Happy 4th of July.

  11. Your cards are fantastic as always, but I'm glad you posted Reagan's quote in it's entirety! It's so true and we need to always remember that freedom isn't a promise to anyone. It has to be earned!
    Have a wonderful and happy July 4th weekend!

  12. Wow, these cards are great. I love the papers. TFS.

  13. great cards, great quote and what a wonderful accomplishment of so many cards!
    Doris :)

  14. Very nice, TFS Happy 4th of July!

  15. Wow, Paula - GREAT cards!!! And that quote from Reagan is an awesome inspiration. Not to mention you hitting 5000! WOWSERS!

  16. Love the simple beauty of these cards!!

  17. Very true! And so many cards--I know OWH appreciates you! These are just beautiful. Have a wonderful Indpendence Day! Lisa

  18. Happy 4th of July..thanks for sharing.

  19. Great cards and a great quote. May we always have an Independence Day to celebrate. Happy 4th!

  20. Gorgeous cards! I love that quote. It is one of my favorites too and something people need to never forget.

    Have a safe & happy July 4th week end!

    Please stop by my blog and sign up to win my blog candy.


  21. Hi Paula,I love your cards as usual!! WOW,what a milestone you have reached in your cards for the troops!!!Good for you and a big *hug* from me ;) Happy 4th and thanks for the rest of the quote....I will post it on my FB wall,it's great!!!

  22. Great quote! Thanks for sharing both the quote and the cards.

  23. Paula,
    Congrats on your 5000 cards. Wow what a servant heart! I love the cards you have shared and thank you for sharing in OWH as well.

  24. love the cards and the quote! 5000 cards .. AMAZING!
    thanks for sharing you blog and have a Happy 4th of July!

  25. 5000??? AMAZING! So inspiring too! Great cards - thanks for sharing - and as a military wife thank you for all you do for this organization!

  26. Dolores A.July 03, 2010

    I am visiting you today since you were nice enough to stop by my blog earlier, and so glad I did.
    Your post was an inspiring message and your cards are wonderful.
    Being new to OWH, I am in awe of how many you've created for our heroes ...I must set a goal for myself now to spur me on.

  27. Congrats on your milestone. I had all kinds of problems yesterday getting to your blog I finally gave up. I am so glad I made it in today. I love your cards and the complete quote.

  28. WoW - 5000 cards. that is so awesome. your cards are so cute and surely appreciated.

  29. Great cards and quote! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Great cards! Have a happy 4th!

  31. Paula, your cards are beautiful and as always, your post is inspirational- Thank you! Happy 4th!

  32. Wow... Congrats on 5000 cards for OWH, amazing!!

    Your cards are beautiful!

    Happy 4th of July!

    Thanks so much for sharing!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  33. Paula, I love both your cards! I'm definitely hooked on those circles!!!

  34. Good heavens, I thought I sent a lot of cards. 5,000!!! That's incredible! I like the two that you showed today. Love the quote from President Reagan. Thanks for posting the entire quote. Happy 4th!

  35. Beautiful cards, and congrats on the 5000th one. Thats alot of cards. I love the RR qoute too and so true!

  36. Love this card. Thank you for sharing. Have a great 4th of July!!

  37. congratulations are in order for the 5000 card for the troops! i have that bday old is it?

  38. Paula, I love the textures of the first card and the geometrics of the second. What an absolutely fabulous quote and thanks for sharing all of it with us. How true those words are today.

  39. Gorgeous cards! Thanks for sharing the entire quote. That sums it up, doesn't it? Our troops are so important. They are most definitely Heroes.

  40. Wow, 5000 cards! There are Angels on earth out there and are one of them! It truly means a lot to be part of something so special like this. Happy 4th of July! God Bless America and God Bless our Troops!

  41. great cards and great quote (gotta love Ronnie - LOL) - someone else i know just posted that same one too. Congrats on going over 5000 cards sent.... that is going to take me several yearssss so reach - you r an inspiration!

  42. wow! 500 cards!! Awesome job- really like the sailboat card. Happy 4th of July!

  43. WOW! Congrats on all of the awesome cards you have made for our heroes!!!! Your work is just awesome and these cards are just another example of your talent! You can tell all of the love that you put into each and every card! Thanks for doing so much for our soldiers! We are all recipients in the end when our soldiers realize how much we support them and their sacrificies!

  44. AWESOME quote! and lovely cards! WOW on the How-many!!! Great support :)
    Happy 4th


  45. Great cards! Love the papers used on both. TFS :)

  46. I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommend by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.


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