
Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010...Hello New Year!

I have to be honest I'm pretty happy to see 2010 go. It has not been the best of years for me on a number of fronts, but I'd rather dwell on the new year ahead. I'm not one who goes out to party on New Year's Eve but I look forward to it as a time to consider all the things I'd like to do in coming year. Among those things will be to post here more often and to include more then just card photos... maybe some challenges, tutorials and well you can never have too much blog candy can you?

I wasn't on vacation this week and while I checked in on all the OWH S&S Challenges, I wasn't able to participate. I did get a chance to do some card making...

I'm may cry the day this Disney paper is discontinued. I have bought it so many times in the last couple of years I am almost convinced JoAnn's stocks it just for me.

This one was inspired by the R's Challenge to celebrate that ® mark that OWH has received.

And this will absolutely be the year I use up all those odds-n-supplies I have managed to accumulate in the last 3-4 years. Okay, I'm going to use up at least HALF before I go shopping again.... A THIRD? Wait... I have a coupon for Michael's tomorrow... so much for resolutions. :)

Happy Crafting and Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. I love that Disney paper, and the recipient of the cards will treasure them! I'm resolving to post more often too. Thanks for all the inspiration you've provided this past year. I'm looking forward to 2011!

  2. What a fabulous kids cards, someone is going to cherish that one forever! All of your cards are wonderful! Thanks for playing along in our challenge at Operation Write Home!

  3. Wow've been busy!These are all so great!! Have a blessed day!

  4. I LOVE your Disney makes me want to run right out to JoAnn's and CASE it!!! I can just see some little boy's eyes light up when he sees this card. Great inspiration, thank you!


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