
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dots & A 1956 Ford Fairlane

I typically make general cards so I can ship whenever I want.  Having made a few Easter cards this year and with the OWH deadline fast approaching I couldn't postpone any longer so I've packed up close to 500 cards and will ship them out to Dixie tomorrow. Among the ones in this shipment are a stack of  these which fit the MWT "Dotty Challenge" perfectly.

I also finally got to making some cards with Yolanda's fantastic 1956 Ford Fairlane digi. I had a ton of fun coloring these. I made the little embellishment by punching a small circle and then inserting an eyelet right into the center. It was a bit tricky at first but once I figured out the order (punch the hole for the eyelet before you punch the actual cirle, then insert the eyelet last) it went fast and it made a nice coordinate with the paper (which I got at Michael's last month).

Happy Crafting Everyone!


  1. Great cards! Love the dotty one especially!

  2. Great cards Paula. I love them all and really like that you switched up the colors on the cars!!

  3. I just came from Songseok's blog with pics using that car and now here they are at yours. My day is completely made!


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