
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pink and Green and a Little Blue

Hello Friends. The card I have here today is for the OWH Midweek Throwdown color challenge to use Pink & Green. It also happens to fit the current Muse Challenge since it picks up on both the colors and floral theme of Darnell's pretty card. This is a very old stamp from Stampin Up called Stipple Hydrangea. I imagine it is long retired but it's still as pretty as ever.

Okay, so now you may be wondering what's with the 'little blue' part of my title since this card doesn't contain a single speck. After 12 years at the company, I was laid off this week from my day job as a graphic designer. It's a small business and the volume of work coming in has been really sporadic for the past year and a half,  so I can't say it came as a total surprise, but it is a bit demoralizing and definitely odd. I worked my first job at the age of 16 and have never been unemployed in the 32 years since.

My posts may be a little less frequent in the weeks ahead since I'm not sure if I'll feel like crafting. But who knows I might just find it more therapeutic than usual. I'll need to spend some time regrouping, updating my resume, creating a portfolio and figuring out what's next. With unemployment still painfully high and an economy that is sputtering without much relief in sight I expect it to be a rocky road. Hopefully I'll be able to find more freelance design work soon while I  figure out a way to turn lemons into lemonade.

Happy Crafting!

STAMPS: Stipple Hydrangea (Stampin up), Sentiment form Everyday Sayings (Hero Arts)
PAPER: Print Poetry (Stampin up), Recollections Solids (Michael's)
COLORING MEDIUM: Spectrum Noir Markers PP1, PP2, PP4, PP5, PP6, LG4, LG5, CG4
OTHER: Large Ovals Dies (Spellbinders), Pink Stain Ribbon (Michael's)
BASICS: Click HERE to check out my crafting tool bag.


  1. I'm sorry to hear of your "blue". Times like this are also time to dream and go after your dreams. You have great talent in design, teaching, sharing, passion, and contribution. I've learned a lot from your blog posts as well as bootcamp at OWH. You have a lot to offer, don't let this set back hold you back. 3>

  2. paula kriegerOctober 26, 2013

    From one Paula to another I am so sorry to hear you lost your job, you are so talented, I always check your blog when on the OWH site. I hope someone snatches you and your talent up soon! Will send good thoughts your way!
    Paula Krieger
    Robbinsdale, Minnesota

  3. Sorry to hear about your blue news Paula. You are so talented. Good luck for the future.

  4. Oh, that's a shame about your job, but I love your attitude - often we end up in better places because of these kinds of initally upsetting events and I certainly hope that's the case this time! I love the depth of your colours on this beautiful stamp! Thanks so much for joining us at Muse this week, Paul!

  5. Beautiful card, beautiful coloring as always. So sorry to hear your job news. Not easy - I've been there too. Here's to a good path forward with all your talent, skills, and commitment.

  6. Paula, thank you so much for joining in MUSE this week and paying me the compliment of CASEing my card. You may not know this, but hydrangeas are a favorite flower of mine and your coloring on this is phenomenal!! It's a singularly beautiful card!

    I'm sorry that you are experiencing the loss of work after 32 years. Work is so much a part of our identity and having been through it, I know how "lost at sea" you feel. It's natural for you to grieve the loss and I hope you take the time to do that ... and then use that positive attitude to turn the page and start a new chapter in your life! It will all work out for the best, you just have to believe that!

    In the meantime, I hope you will find crafting and your online friendships to be good therapy! Hugs, Darnell

  7. So sorry about your loss. Given your talents I am hoping it is just a temporary setback!

  8. Oh Paula -- I am so sorry about your job. Seems like the economy just can't recover. I hope you find something. Good luck and God bless!

  9. So sorry to hear about the job. You are very talented and have no doubt you'll fnd something even more fulfilling . Take sollice in your cards, just like food or the soul.

  10. Oh Paula, I'm so sorry about your job! It's a huge adjustment when you've worked for so long. I hope card making can help to keep your spirits up until something comes around job-wise. You have so much talent - my wish for you is to find an even better position in the coming months. Big hugs.

    p.s. Your card is gorgeous - I love hydrangeas and your coloring is beautiful. I really like the green background paper too.

  11. I love your beautiful card and that flower is so pretty! Good luck for the job hunting and I hope something finds you - hugs xx

  12. I too just love this retired stamp and wish I owned it! Your card is just gorgeous with that darker shade of green on the leaves! My hubby & I both lost our jobs several years ago, and we know how it hurts and defeats you, but you have talent that will carry you in the future. Try to just think good thoughts and good things will come back to you in time :)

  13. I agree with everything Darnell posted regarding the loss of your job. In spite of your sorrow at this time the beauty in your card still shines through. Thanks for all you have done for me to make me a better card maker through OWH. I look forward to your posts each morning the same way I do my cup of coffee. When one door closes ... another opens. You are in my thoughts and especially my prayers!

  14. I agree with everything Darnell posted regarding the loss of your job. Even during this time of sorrow regarding your job the beauty of your card still shines through. I look forward to your posts each morning the same way I do my cup of coffee. Thank you for all you teach me to make me a better card maker especially through OWH. You are in my thoughts but more importantly my prayers.

  15. So sorry for you, Paula. Will keep you in my prayers. Keep crafting and stay hopeful. Any company would be lucky to have you.

  16. Major bummer on the job loss, Paula. I agree with many of the other comments - you're very talented, I've learned from your posts and I enjoy reading your posts while eating my breakfast. Also, stamping can be a great stress reducer as you can pound the crud out of the stamps (when you're frustrated and such) and nothing breaks! Even if you're not feeling creative for coloring (which is stunning on this flower!) and making a card, you can still stamp away your frustration and anger. Good luck!

  17. Beautiful card. So sorry to hear about your job. You are, and will be in my prayers as you wait for a new chapter to start.

  18. Paula I am so sorry about your job. My mother always said "everything happens for the best" and hopefully for you that means another job better than the last. You are a talented and giving person and I enjoy all that you do for OWH. Hopefully the caring thoughts of all of your cardmaking friends will pick you up. I love your card and hydrangeas.

  19. Such a beautiful card; TFS! I'm so sorry to hear of your 'blue' news. As so many others have said, you are very talented and I hope/pray you find something even better very soon! Thanks for all the Bootcamp posts you have done!!Take good care!

  20. The job loss may open a new opportunity for you and with your long work history, you'll be successful finding something. Go out there and reinvent yourself - be brave! You can do it! Keep us updated on your progress - we all believe in you!

  21. Beautiful card and amazing coloring. Sorry for your job loss. Wishing you the best.

  22. I've been then, but not in a long time. I still vividly remember the emotions & I'll be thinking positive thoughts that you will find something even better! Your card is really lovely.

  23. So sorry to hear of your job loss, what a rotten time :( I hope you find something soon that will lift your spirits. I love your card, your colouring is amazing! x

  24. Hi Paula, Thanks for the kind comments on my Muse card. Yours is absolutely gorgeous. I love hydrangeas and wish I had a stamp like this! I'm so sorry about your layoff. If it means anything, I can tell you that it will get better. I speak from experience. Right before my first husband died, my hours at work were cut to less than half, and I was a young mom raising kids as well. God took good care of me in those hard times, and I'm living proof that when He closes a door, He always opens a window. My prayers are with you. Keep busy and keep positive. Hugs, Bev

  25. Hoping for good things to come your way!!

  26. Hi Paula,
    I love your cards - you are so talented!
    So sorry to hear your job news.
    My good friend Ike
    had the same problem. She found new projects!
    You can tell that a lot of people - I'm sure there is someone who will help you!

  27. Oh my goodness! What a beautiful card, Paula!

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for the lovely comment you left on my final Moxie Fab World blog post. I had such an incredibly good time in the Moxie Fab World, and I'm *so glad* I got to know you there! Hugs and loves to you, my moxie talented friend! :)

  28. Such a beautiful card and an amazing take on Darnell's Muse, Paula! I'm so sorry to hear about your job loss ... hope your spirits are remaining high as you regroup and that those lemons are rapidly becoming lemonade. Anita :)

  29. Such a beautiful card and an amazing take on Darnell's Muse, Paula! I'm so sorry to hear about your job loss ... hope your spirits are remaining high as you regroup and that those lemons are rapidly becoming lemonade. Anita :)

  30. Please Paula - say hello! Say hello, I'm here!
    Just for me - my mother died on the 27th ...
    Take a picture of something insignificant about you -
    Say - I believe! I can!
    Please - do it for me!
    You are bound to continue this blog!

  31. Just wanted to pop by & say "I Miss You!" (& your posts.) Praying for you & your situation and that things will be better soon.


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