
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Just A Note

Hello Friends! It's hard to believe we're already closing in on the end of October. I have to say I'm grateful that while we have had some fall like days, the transition has been slow with some unseasonably warm days along the way, most welcome for a warm weather person like me.

My card making for OWH took a major nose dive in the past year. The combination of little creative mojo on my part (with other concerns taking precedence) and the diminished need for cards (as many of our deployed heroes finally head home - thank God) have both played a part. As fate would have it I recently found myself  invited to join an amazing group of card makers who, through sending me beautiful cards have sparked my mojo and given me a new reason to do some card making. 

My card share today is a card I sent to my fellow OWHer Cindy, one of many people I feel I've gotten to 'know', though we've never met in person.

I cannot tell you how nice it is to receive an unexpected card in the mail for no reason other than to say hello and being able to do the same for others has me wanting to drag out my craft supplies for the first time in a long time.

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely glad your mojo has gotten a "lift"! Thanks for the share!


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