
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Good Intentions and Time Flies

Hello Friends!  I know I'm not alone but no matter how hard I try there just never seems to be enough time to do all those thing you have to do plus the things you want to do. Lately I can sum up my life in the two sayings... "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions" and "Time Flies Whether You're Having Fun or Not".  :)

I've neglected to blog consistently but I have by some minor miracle managed to keep up with making and sending cards to the members of my FB card maker group. This card was created specifically for Misty (who loves Hummingbirds).

I had a few hummingbird images in my graphics library (one of the side benefits of being a graphic designer is having a lot of graphic resources) but chose this one as opposed to a photo. I'm not a fan of using photos in my card making and could easily envision making this into a card.

I sized the graphic accordingly printed it on a beige cardstock, fussy cut it and mounted it on a contrasting burgundy card stock. I took advantage of the detail in the bottom of the image to add some extra dimension by slipping the ribbon below it.

My apologizes for a less than perfect photo. I need to spend some time really learning my camera... add one more thing to the 'to do' list! :)

Happy Crafting!


  1. Stunning card! I bet it made Misti's day!

  2. Paula, this is one gorgeous card! Your friend will LOVE it. I'll just sit here and ooh and ah over it for awhile. :)


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