
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blog Hop & the NEW Blogger Interface

I've gotten a couple of emails from folks who are planning to join in the OWH Memorial Day Blog Hop and the tutorial link from last year shows the old blogger interface so here are some updates to help if you are finding yourself stuck.

The 'SCHEDULE' menu button in now to the right side of the main post screen. The premise is the same, choose a date and time (make sure the time zone listed below the calendar is correct, more about setting time zone next) and click done. You can click on these image to enlarge them and see the details.

If your 'TIME ZONE' is not correct you can change it in the 'SETTINGS' menu that appears on your main blogger screen. Make sure the time zone is correct so that your post launches when you expect it to. 

Also under this same 'SETTINGS' menu are settings for 'POSTS AND COMMENTS'. Choosing to allow ANYONE to comment and NO for word verification will make it quick and easy for your visitors to leave comments. Blogger has some built-in spam controls and I have personally found them to work well but you can always go back and change this back after the blog hop is over.

The original tutorial is posted here and while they've moved things around a bit the new blogger is very similar to the old one in the basic way it works so it may be of help if you are totally new to blogging.

I hope this helps and I look forward to visiting everyone who participates in the OWH Memorial Day Hop this year!



  1. Thanks, Paula!! I never schedule my posts since I'm awake in the wee hours of the morning, but I think I can do it thanks to your tutorial.

  2. Paula...Can you help me with my blog hop button? It doesn't blink. Thanks!


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