
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back - Top 13 of 2013

Happy New Year everyone! I'm glad you stopped by to take a look back at 2013 from a creative perspective with me. This OWH tradition started a few years ago and it's one of the events I've really come to appreciate. I'm pretty sure that without it I wouldn't take the time to have another look and I think it can help set the stage for creating a few creative goals for the year ahead. If you're taking your own look back, be sure to link up over at the OWH Stars & Stamps Blog. Without further ado here are my Top 13 of 2013...

MARCH - This adorable Paper Smooches Guy made my list because it required me to 'think outside the box'... the sombrero is not part of the stamp set... I had an idea and was determined to see it through, even if it meant I would have to draw the hat myself...and so I did.

APRIL - This card saw me rethinking how I approached my card making. I made this for a friend and took my time coloring the image and coordinating the elements. It made me realize that I enjoyed card making much more when I took the time to enjoy the process and, if that meant making fewer cards it was okay.

MAY - In addition to the yearlong Design Bootcamps I got to participate in so many fun OWH events this year and this card was part of the Virtual Card Making Party for National Scrapbooking Day in May. I love the 'chalkboard trend' that was going strong through 2013.

MAY - Along with my 'enjoy the process' approach to cardmaking 2013 was a year of challenges for me as I started to explore and play along in so many of the marvelous online card making challenge blogs. This one was entered into the Moxie Fab World (oh how I'm gonna miss it!!) Tuesday Trigger Challenge and caught the eye of Cath Edvalson. Whoa! How cool is that?!

MAY - It was SO cool that I thought 'what the heck' when I entered 3 cards into the PaperCrafts Gallery Idol Open Auditions. This card won me a place to compete. Talk about exciting! Suddenly I found myself among a group of  20 ladies... who are all extraordinarily talented, accomplished and kind beyond words.

JUNE - It was a flurry of activity and deadlines and on to Round 2. This card for Dad go me to the next round. The Gallery Idol experience is one I won't soon forget. I got to know so many new card makers and can now happily count them among my sources of inspiration on a regular basis.

JULY - This year found me testing out some Spectrum Noir markers I'd been gifted and spending more time coloring far more detailed images than I had in my card making past.  When it comes to coloring, much like my experience in painting watercolors, I can say with doubt that takes both practice and patience.

JULY - I was starting to hit my stride where taking chances and trying new things was concerned. This 'Mixy-Matchy' style with a load of patterns is the kind of thing I would normally have avoided. Fishtail flags (these are from MFT) were another trend I fell in love with in 2013.

AUGUST - The challenges were keeping me busy and excited about creating. This card was created for the Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger and it was chosen as a Trigger Target. Again it had me trying new things. I've always like collage but hadn't often applied it in my cardmaking.

SEPTEMBER - My Favorite Things became my favorite manufacturer (okay, I admit it may be impossible to pick ONE favorite but they're at the top of my list for sure!)  and I used their dies to create this card for a CAS-uals Fridays Challenge. MFT later chose it as a 'Favorite Find'.

SEPTEMBER - Found me still coloring and enjoying it much more than I had in a long time. I chose this adorable Mo Manning digi to use in the Spectrum Noir Monthly Challenge... the theme was 'Travel'. It was one of my first successful attempts at adding a significant amount of color into a background. I was excited to have it chosen as a challenge Top 3.

OCTOBER - This card, demonstrating Radial Symmetry, represents a culmination of a year of OWH Design Bootcamps. It was a great experience for me. It gave me a chance to stretch my creative muscles beyond physically creating and back to actually 'thinking' about the how and why of making good design choices and to interact with so many talented OWHers. 

OCTOBER - Though I like how this card turned out, I'm closing out my choices with it for other reasons. It marks a couple of turning points for me... my cardmaking and blog posting came to a virtual halt at the end of October after being laid off from my job. As would be expected, I've experience a whole host of emotions and while my attention has been forced away from crafting, it's also helped me to realize how much I enjoy it and how important it is for me to have a creative outlet no matter what happens. Of course I can't say with any certainty what 2014 holds but I am hopeful that it'll include a lot of good things and I'm determined to get back to crafting and posting  with some regularity as soon as I can.

Happy New Year!

P.S. The monthly links will take you back to the original posts where you can find a complete source list if you're interested in anything specific.


  1. What a year you had! Fantabulous group of cards. I think the collage card is my fave! Thanks for all of your support and inspiration.

  2. your cards are always fantastic, I can imagine you had a hard time choosing 13. Best of Luck to you in 2014 and I hope that you continue to make many great looking cards

  3. Paula, your Top 13 of 2013 cards are a great selection of inspiration. Thanks for all your efforts for OWH Design Bootcamp and encouragement on face book readers. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  4. Paula, your collection is awesome as always! I have especially enjoyed the Bootcamp classes and appreciate all the hard work you put into making them understandable and fun! Hoping your new year is full of surprises and blessings! LynnR

  5. I so enjoyed this look back and appreciate the hard work and creativity of 2013 for you! i especially like the hear love card. Love the pierced bottom and die cut heat and YOU. Thanks for your instruction and inspiration!

  6. You're an awesome teacher and I've learned so much from you over the year! Your cards are all fantastic, but I'm completely taken with the first one! That adorable sombrero is too cute! Happy New Year!

  7. Beautiful selection of cards. Thanks for all your classes and inspiration throughout this year. Happy New Year and many blessings in 2014.

  8. Paula, thank you for all your great inspiration this year. Your cards are so varied, with lots of yummy papers, techniques and styles. Really looks like Hallmark, something for everyone! Thanks for all the freebies too, my fav!

  9. Great collection of cards. Some of them look so familiar...oh that's right, that is because I have seen them as winners in challenges! You rock the card making world...for sure. Got to pick a favorite though...that would be August (collage with butterflies)....such gorgeousness!!! Happy New Year my friend! Hugs, Penny

  10. Enjoyed looking back at some of your wonderful creations. Wishing you a very happy and blessed 2014.

  11. I have always looked to your cards and blog for inspiration. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent. I hope 2014 brings only good things and that you continue to share your talent with us.

  12. All awesome! I wish you 2014 a year of continuing to go out side the box. I noticed how many times your favorites included stretching and doing things you wouldn't normally do. I appreciate all your postings and have learned a lot. Creativity is also a way for calm and mindful thinking. I do hope you find it back into your life of sharing your talents.

  13. Paula, your cards always inspire and delight me! I look forward to more of the same in 2014.
    I hope that the year also brings you a job that will bless you. Sept of 2012 I was unexpectedly out of work due to "downsizing." I have never gone through some of the emotions that I experienced in the days, weeks and months that followed. However, I have to share that I have since found I job that is more than I could have ever imagined. It plays into my strengths and skills, while also encouraging me to grow and learn. And... I never would have sought it out if I hadn't lost the other job. So, my prayer is that you might find such a wonderful job just waiting for you... and soon! God bless you in 2014!

  14. I enjoyed the walk down memory lane - you have done great work this past year. April

  15. Hi Paula! You've been a mentor to me since day one of my cardmaking and I am so grateful. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into sharing your artistic gifts with us volunteers. I hope that 2014 is brighter for you on a personal professional level, and that you'll still have time to share your creativity with us!

  16. Hi Paula- thanks so much for sharing and teaching-- Bootcamp was awesome! And I hope you know-- you are my OWH gallery idol.....I love that you got so far in the competition- I was rooting for you to win! I love your coloring of the Mo Manning image! Here is to a happy 2014- and that you find the job of your dreams- and can spend lots of time creating!!

  17. Paula, great bunch of cards. I love the hat on that bird image. I can't believe you drew that yourself. Impressive.

  18. Gorgeous cards as always. I love the April camera card as well as your radial symmetry card from October. Scrappy cards are fun.

  19. I always enjoy your're so talented! The hope this is your best year yet is one of my favorites...good white space and dimension!

  20. Wow Paula! What an amazing year for cardmaking! I hope this year is your best ever because you are a great inspiration to us at OWH! Thanks for all you have done for OWH. Happy New Year!

  21. I hope you can find time to inspire us with your creativity in 2014. Your bootcamp lessons taught me so much and I plan on copying your cards that used the Boy Scout papers because I had no idea what to do with them until I saw your cards. I'd love to see you try out again for the Idol challenge too. Good luck to you in the new year!

  22. Paula, You know how I feel about your art and how grateful I am for your mentoring. Didn't realize it had been such a rollercoaster year for you. Wishing you all the best in 2014!

  23. Thanks so much Paula for your education and encouragement in the Bootcamp series! It was interesting reading in your blog last year how you planned to take more time with your cards and enjoy the process more. It's been fun to see how you've done that. My favorites in your "top 13" are Lost without You - great coloring - and Hope this Year is Your Best - love the partial embossing and variegated pink flowers. I hope 2014 is a fabulous year for you.

  24. I am so grateful to you for all you do for OWH card makers. Your boot camps have made me stretch my creative muscles in ways I would not have without your lessons. I lost my mother last Christmas, and my job in September. I also realized that being creative needs to be a constant in my life.

  25. Fantabulous card choices for your favorites, they are all perfect and inspiring ! Thank you for all you do and best wishes for a wonderful new year.

  26. What a great selection of cards!

  27. Paula, I love your cards and I am always inspired by what you create. Your bootcamp sessions were awesome and so very helpful! I can't and won't pick a favorite of these. :)

  28. You have a great selection of cards! Here's to 2014 and wishing you all the best.

  29. Paula, I always enjoy your cards, and you’ve picked some spectacular ones for this post. I enjoyed reading a bit about your process for creating. Isn’t it terrific that we can all keep learning? Thank you for the terrific bootcamp. I learned so much from you! Wishing you good things for 2014!!

  30. Wow, Paula, what an amazing group of cards you chose. The first one really stuck out for me. I was wondering where you'd found that hat. I never would've thought to make one!

  31. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful cards. I enjoyed Boot Camp a lot, even though I pooped out on posting at the end. I know whatever you do in 2014 will be creative and inspiring.


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