Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Patriotic Chick

Welcome to my stop on the OWH Memorial Day bloghop. I am excited to be able to participate and honored to make cards for our heroes. I know you have many more stops to make so...

First and Foremost, let us not forget that Memorial Day is a sacred day. It is truly disrespectful to simply treat it as just another vacation day or an opportunity to shop 'til you drop. Far too often, Americans take for granted the freedoms we enjoy. Those freedoms were paid for, with the lives of others, few of us ever knew. They came from large cities, small towns and all walks of life with one thing in common—LOVE OF and LOYALTY TO country. This special bond brought them, and us, through many difficult times.

Wherever you find yourself this weekend I challenge you to remember the meaning of Memorial Day. Explain it to the kids, encourage  family and friends to discuss it. Attend a parade, visit a national cemetery, watch a military documentary. Since 1776, more than 1.5 million Americans have lost their lives while in uniform. Freedom is not free and sacrifice is meaningless without remembrance. By honoring our nation’s war dead, we preserve their memory, their service and their sacrifice in the memories of future generations. It's the least we can do to honor all they have done for us.

I created the Patriotic Chick I used in my card specially for the OWH blog hop. You can download it HERE. Feel free to share it with your friends. The only thing I ask is that you do not sell it in any form.

Creating a card for this blog hop was an absolute pleasure. Red, White & Blue has always been my very favorite color combination and I am a total pushover for anything with an American Flag theme. To help satisfy my obsession I create patriotic card designs on a regular basis and use them to write a few "Any Hero" cards to include in each box of cards I send into OWH.

For those who may be new to OWH, or if you don't already, I urge you to consider stamping the backs of your cards. Details on how and why this is done is HERE at the OWH site. Our dedicated shippers spend a lot of time stamping, fixing, sorting and shipping. I know that they'd love to have the extra time saved by having cards arrive already stamped or labeled, to do some creating of their own.

Before I send you off to your next stop. I am offering the blog candy pictured below as a thank you for stopping by. All you need to do to be included is to click on the EMAIL icon under my pic, type BLOG CANDY  in the subject line and CLICK SEND.  (No need to even write anything in the mail because...hey you have a lot of blogs to see!) I'll draw a random winner on June 2, 2010 and email you back for your address if you're the winner.

If you need to, you can go back to the start of the hop at

Your next stop on the hop is Sheri at

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the hop and May God Bless America!



Kate said...

Important words about Memorial Day. Thank you for that. I'm a patriotic "chick" too. :) I love the digi stamp. So cute. I just haven't gotten into using them yet but I'm sure I will soon.

Caryl P said...

Thanks for the reminder of what Memorial Day is truly about. Beautiful cards, and thanks for sharing the digi. Can't wait to make some OWH cards with it. Happy hopping today!

helloholley said...

Awesome cards!! I love this chick,it's too cute!! Thanks for being so sweet and sharing....your work is beautiful!! Happy hoppin'

Betty said...

Love the cards and believe that little fly boy needs to come live here ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Memorial Day reminder. Since joining OWH, Memorial Day is just a bit more special because in my own way, I am able to serve those that risk their lives for our freedoms. Thanks again! Robin
robinski6 at yahoo dot com

Operation Write Home said...

Thanks so much for sharing your heart about Memorial Day, Paula - sometimes I wonder if it should be called a "holiday" because that's a cue to Americans to party and not really remember why the day was established!

LOVE your chick - d/l and going to use him! Cute!!!

Carol L said...

Hey Hey Paula! (sorry, it's an old song that's in my head) Thanks for sharing your cute little card and the free digi! I love your thoughts on this special holiday too! It's the kick-off to summer, but we also need to always remember those who serve this great country of ours! Happy Memorial Day!!

Jan aka StampQn said...

Thanks for sharing your cards with our Heros! I am bird crazy and just love that image. I will be sending a few cards using your patriotic chick.

Eric said...

Great Cards!

Tink said...

Great Card! Thank you for the Chick digi..

creations by jackie said...

Thank You for reminding all of us what Memorial Day is really for. Gorgeous card. I love the chick and thanks for sharing him with us.

Vera Yates (Ling) said...

Great card, paula. Love the embossed background.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your post!I am really proud of live in the USA and to see everyone really pulling together during these times.

Have a great weekend! I am now following your blog too!
Jessica Lynn

Anonymous said...

You have such a wonderful blog.
Thank you so much for the wonderful free digistamp... I guess it is time for me to learn how to do digistamps...

Unknown said...

Love all your cards! I think the one on the left is my favorite.

PCM said...

From one Paula to another - I LOVE the card of the eagle - is that a stamp? It is beautiful. I appreciate your patriotism.
The digi chick is cute - thanks for sharing it.

Toni said...

That is the cutest little chicky ever!

Karen Howard said...

LOVE this patriotic chick!!! Fabulous card and you are so sweet to share the chick with all of us, thank you!!

Monica said...

Loved your post! Your cards are superb! Love the images and the colors! So patriotic.

Anita said...

Thanks for the digi.

Unknown said...

Awesome blog post .

Martha said...

Paula your chick is too cute! What a nice thing to do, sharing the design with us! I really appreciate the support you give OWH and the cardmakers who share their work with our troops. Well done!

RobinH said...

great cards Paula!

I so agree with you about Memorial Day .. even though I plan to spend the day shopping with my sister, we're meeting our parents before we leave to see our father perform in his usual Memorial Day parade and cemetary program. He is a veteran of the Korean War

joanej said...

I love the simplicity of your cards. And that's an excellent idea you posted earlier about using paper meant to be a whole scrapbook page.

Rufus said...

THANK you for the reminder of what Memorial Day is all about. Too often we get involved in the fun and forget the sacrifice. Love you patriotic digi chick. I'll be using it for OWH cards. Also like the other cards that you showed.

Cindi (aka iring) said...

I downloaded your cute chic! Thanks! And thanks for sharing your patriotism and cards. Love the dog holding the flag! Cute cute! Have a wonderful, meaningful weekend

Nicole said...

Adorable image and card! Love it! Thank you for your meaningful words about Memorial Day.

K. Joy said...

Great cards! I love the simplicity and layout of the Patriotic Chick, and the other cards are great also! Thanks for the free digi!

Melanie Holzwarth said...

I love you digi image, in fact, I am a digi image addict. I can't wait to use it on a card.

Karen said...

Wonderful reminder and cards! Thanks for the digi and the chance to win your sweet candy!


rkbmadden at hotmail dot com

Karrie O. - Sweet Paper Treats said...

Awesome post and adorable cards!! Generous candy too!!

Christine said...

that is one cute chick! thanks for the digi

Dixie Cochran said...

Well said, Paula! I love your chicky card! I think this is the first time I've seen such a cute patriotic chick. Thanks for your post today, and thanks for making cards for our heroes!!

Stampin_melissa said...

Beautiful posting, both in sentiment and your card! Your chick is cute too!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the free digi, it is adorable! Your cards are great, thank you for sharing. Thank you for the important reminder about Memorial Day!!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Paula Sweetie...
I adore your beautiful cards of love that you have so lovingly made for the OWH soldiers to select from their box. I am sure they will be thrilled when they see the eye candy cards you have designed for them. Awesome job.

You have inspired me as well to give it a try. My father, my father-in-law, my husband and my oldest son are all veterans, and I know that they would have loved a project such as this. Thank you sweet friend.

I am your newest follower. I cannot wait to see what you share next. Country hugs...Sherry

Cut n Paste said...

Thanks for reminding us of the importance of Memorial Day!!! We owe our military many many thanks for all they do!!! Thanks to you for the free digi..he's so cute! And finally thanks for supporting OWH!

Lelia Pierce said...

Your card is too cute! Thank you SO MUCH for the adorable digital freebie! I can't wait to play with it! :O)


debb said...

Hi paula - as always I find your thoughts and words so moving! Beautiful cards and thank you for the chick! Off to download her

PocketsOfInspiration said...

These are beautiful Paula!

Kajikit said...

Love your sweet little chick... thanks for sharing!

Cheryl said...

Thank you for the little also love to win your blog!!

Cheryl said...

candy! forgot that

Jan Hunnicutt said...

Paula, your chick is fabulous! She's going to be so much fun to color, thank you!

I enjoyed your reminder about Memorial Day, I live in a resort town and feel like people have forgotten sometimes. When I was a little girl we always visited the cemetery and put flowers on loved ones grave sites.

Melanie Nichols said...

Cute chick! Outstanding blog post! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful holiday weekend! ;o)

Unknown said...

Great card. Thanks for the reminder about the true meaning of Memorial Day. You are so right. It's easy to forget the reason this holiday was established.

Sandy Hentzel said...

Thanks for reminding us of the importance of Memorial Day!!!

SuzAnn said...

Paula your patriotic chick is darling! Thank you for sharing and for your ongoing support of OWH.

Brenda said...


Beautiful card. Thank you for digi stamp and the opportunity to win some blog candy.

Kristen H said...

Thank you for all the helpful tips! I love the digi stamp, thank you for sharing!
Your card is so spangle-riffic! I love it!

Have a blessed Memorial Weekend!

Rhonda Miller said...

I love the chick. So cute with his patriotic hat. These cards are great. TFS.

Unknown said...

I love the patriotic chick - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Memorial Day info. We can't hear it too much. Very nice card. Thanks for sharing the chick.

One Scrappy Gal said...

Thank you for your sentiments about Memorial Day! Truer words were never spoken. Your cards are great too.

Seongsook Duncan said...

Thank you for your words about Memorial Day. I love your card and the image is so cute. Thanks for sharing.

Shelly R Wilson said...

Well said! I agree that there are far too many who disregard the reason for Memorial Day... Love the CHICK... thanks so much!

Tammy said...

Fantastic post today Paula!! Thank you for the reminder of what Memorial Day is all about!! Your cards are always awesome! I love that little Patriotic's so cute!! Thank you very much!

Jana said...

Your words are true. Too many forget that Memorial Day is a day to reflect and offer thanks for all of the freedoms we have.
Your cards are wonderful. Thank you for the patriotic chick. It's adorable. Happy Memorial Day.

Just Virginia said...

Love that birdy! Your cards are fabulous!

StampinSher said...

I completely agree with you on your opening statement! I only hope that our Nation's children learn this lesson well for our Future. Thank you.
Love your card, so cute!
Thanks for participating with OWH.

Cyn said...

your blog is wonderful and I so agree with your first paragraph!!!

Cheryl said...

I love the words you shared about Memorial Day! Fantastic cards! Thank you for the image.

Carisa said...

i agree with you on your comments about memorial day. it's amazing how people act so nonchalant about it. :( i love your cards! they are so bright & cheery!

eddee1286 said...

Great card. Thanks for the digi. Thanks for sharing.

Courtney said...

Your write up is very touching an your card is too cute!

Thanks for the digi...I can't wait to play with it. Also, thanks for the chance to win your lovely candy!


Susan said...


Great cards, love your blog :)
emailed you for a chance at the candy...thank you,

Fellow OWHomer

Sherrie said...

Very very cute stamp! I love how your card turned out. Great work! Your patriotism is just infectious!

Amy Johnson said...

Fabulous image you designed! I love it! Great cards too!

Merry's Musings said...

Thanks for the wonderful post. Let us never take for granted the sacrifices that are made for us to live free. AMAZING cards. Love them all. Thanks for supporting OWH.

Cathy... said...

That little chickie is adorable! Thanks so much for that little freebie and your card is SO cute! Love those anyhero cards too! I loved your words about Memorial Day too!

Tricia said...

I love the 4 cards you show in the picture. They are all simple, but classy. Fabulous. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration!

Lillian Child said...

What beautiful cards! My husband is a vietnam veteran and he says he wished that the OWH program would have been in place back then as there's nothing better than a card from home. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!

Sharon Field / Inky A*Muse-ment said...

Cute cards, thanks for sharing.. the chick is really very cute!

Marcy said...

Loved your card!I thought it was adorable as soon as I saw it and then to see I could have the digi too - WOW! Thanks for sharing - your words of wisdom, the digi and your talent!!!

Shirley said...

Paula, I love all the cards you've done and appreciate both your participation and your message. My dad was a disabled WWII vet and I grew up attending his army conventions. Thanks for reminding us that Freedom has a cost.

Butterballfeather said...

This is such a cute card! You did a great job!


Jeanne said...

Cute chickie! Thanks for sharing.

mmwilken said...

Love your cards and the inspritation you give to us and OWH!. Yes, Memorial Day is to be held dear in many hearts as we honor the people that lost their lives for our freedom!! Thank you so much for the chick digi!! Great work!

Heather Grow said...

Wow, you have a lot of very helpful information for a new OWH member like me. Thanks so much for all you do.

I love the digi chick. So cute.

eddee1286 said...

Love you sharing the chick. Love your cards and the opportunity to win some blog candy. Thanks for sharing.

Cindy said...

Just love the "chick" :o)

Pamela said...

All of these cards are fantastic! Great post!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the reminder of Memorial Day! I love your Chick card and all the cards you made! TFS!
Stephanie @ SeaSteph's Creations

Suz said...

Beautifully written post about memorial Day. Your cards are just as beautiful too. Thanks for the inspiration & digi (I've never used them - still doing old fashioned inking)

Kimme said...

Love the card with the dog holding the flag. All are wonderful and I am sure you put smiles on several heroes faces.

Nancy Keller said...

That is one cute chick! Thanks so much for sharing all of this - yours is a great stop on the bloghop. Love it!

Sharanda said...

Thank you for including the importance of Memorial Day in your blog.

The "A Patriotic Chick" card is the cutest, and I LOVE that "United We Stand" card (in the group of cards)! Thank you so much for sharing your creations with us. :)

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Thanks for sharing the reminder about what this holiday is about. And thanks too for sharing your very cool chick digi and the awesome blog candy. Your cards gave me wonderful ideas for coloring and composition.

Unknown said...

I love your words about Memorial Day! Very touching!

Your cards are amazing!

Thanks so much for sharing & the chance to win!

Happy Memorial Day!
God Bless our Soldiers & their families!

okj83 at live dot com

Angie said...

Your cards are so pretty! Thanks for the little chick! Love it

Corinna Lyons-Revello said...

Your chick is darling! Thanks for the freebie.


Betty: Reflections with Coffee said...

Cute chick card for a guy to send to his chick or vice versa.

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Thanks for the digi. So cute!

Linda said...

Hi Paula!

I'm finishing up my visits to the Blog Hop today - hopefully!!

Loved your card! Thanks for the free digi.

Thanks for your work for OWH and for joining the Hop.

Alexandria said...

I LOVE all your cards! I love what you said about Memorial Day!

TN Granny said...

Absolutely gorgeous cards wow, I'm impressed.
Stampin Hugs,

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

Love the card! Cute chick! Thanks for all you do for OWH & supporting the men in women in the armed forces.
: ) Susan []

Sandy said...

TY for the adorable little chick. I tried to email you, but it doesn't seem to work. Can I put Blog Candy here?

Jennifer Moore said...

What great cards. Thank you for the patriotic chick.

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