Saturday, January 10, 2015

Wish You Were A Penguin?

Hello Friends! The weather reports have said that it's below freezing in 87% of the nation so it's probably safe for me to send most of you a 'stay warm' wish. (Oh and please if you're in a sunny, warm climate enjoy it just a little extra for me woulda ya?)

Colored with Spectrum Noir Markers • Papers from my Scrap Box

This cute little guy, from Bugaboo Stamps, would no doubt be happy in this cold weather. This card is destined for my OWH box and then on to hopefully put a smile on the face of some heroes kiddo.

I'm working on using some of those supplies I've accumulated but seldom include on cards and I decided the iridescent sequins would made a fun accent on this card as snow flakes.

Happy Crafting!


Anonymous said...

Fun card Paula, and yes, some kiddo will be thrilled with it. Enjoy the day. I am not one of those in the warm weather. It's 12° with a wind chill of -8°.

Tami B. said...

Very cute! I love penguins.

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